Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rach, I'm just having a chuckle about your latest post. You aren't a cranky person.. though it has been common Reems knowledge that you are best left to your self for a bit first thing in the morning.. I also have to agree with you on the work front- maternity leave agrees with me for all the reasons you cited: A leisurely breakfast with tea mug in hand, some paper reading, followed by a coffee and a walk to the park..these are all important parts of my morning. I know you're possibly wondering how Finn and Coby fit into that picture -they are there - the trick at the breakfast table is to find all the sections of the paper that will keep the little man occupied - any fliers with colour, the sports section. The Vancouver Sun is currently doing a pet series that I am getting lots of mileage out of. I try not to view this as neglectful parenting, more of teaching independence and self-discovery. Anyway, I am rambling, I just wanted to let you know that I too was somewhat evil this morning. After a 4 am hangout with the Cobester my first loving comment to Mike this a.m. was "When are you clearing out your laundry?" In my defense I didn't have an omelet waiting for me.

You're wondering about the reason for my post? It's purely a responsive piece. Although I should let you know I made a lovely pumpkin-chocolate chip-walnut-cranberry loaf yesterday. Scrumptious. I love the idea of freezing the pie crusts pre-made; you're so clever, we must share the same genes. Oh, and something else exciting. I often google Reems Eats to find our blog, simply because I never bothered to bookmark our page on our laptop.. today something amazing happened. I came upon a Reems Eats blog reference. Yes, this was an epic moment in our blogging career.

OK, hang in there. If I still lived in Victoria it would definitely mean a pint of Merridale Cider at the 5th street grill this evening, but alas I will commiserate in spirit.

P.S. Mike's school is cancelled due to H1N1. Every time Mike feels a tickle in his throat, or hears Finn cough he's convinced that he and Finn are going to be stricken. Strangely he thinks that Coby and I will somehow be immune to this. I suppose that I should interpret this as an acknowledgment of our more resilient, and therefore superior gender.

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