Monday, November 8, 2010

Rach- I know that you'll empathize with my struggle with Mondays - it's hard to go from weekend fun to hitting the grind. And there's never anything fun foodwise associated with Mondays - after work on Mondays, dinner preparation is a chore. I think it's time to change this; next Monday I am going to try to get something exciting happening in my kitchen.

To top my Monday off, with Mike at parent-teacher interviews and the couch my biggest plan- Finn napped at daycare today, resulting in a not-so-smooth-bedtime.

This was Coming out #6 or 7:

Finn: Mommy?
Me: Finn, why aren't you sleeping?
Finn: I just want to talk to you.
Me: Oh?
Finn: ACTUALLY, I forgot to have candy before I went to bed.
Me: Oh?
Finn: AND I wanted to ask you if you like to eat lollipops before you go to bed.
Me: Bed. Now.

All is quiet and Monday and I are now reconciling. I've settled for the next best thing to lollipops: leftover chocolate ganache, directly from the bowl.

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